Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost to rent a roll-off?

The average cost to rent a roll off dumpster in the Corpus Christi area varies depending on the size of the bin, the rental time period, the amount of waste being hauled away, and the delivery area.

The rental rate for our 15-yard roll off container which includes 2 tons is $400/14 days or $333 for 3 days. $20 per additional day.
The rental rate for our 20-yard roll off container which includes 3 tons is $500/14 days or $444 for 4 days. $20 per additional day.
We’re confident we offer the most cost-effective and competitively priced options in the area to help you stay on track and under budget. For more information on additional dumpster sizes and pricing, please don’t hesitate to give us a call or reserve your dumpster here
How long can I keep the dumpster?
We currently offer rental periods daily, weekly and monthly rental periods are also available. We offer discounted pricing for mulitple dumpster rentals. Give our team a call at (361)941-3041 to help accommodate your specific needs.
What types of materials are accepted in our dumpsters?

Our heavy-duty bins are designed to contain and haul a broad range of materials, including furniture, appliances, yard waste, construction materials, and general garbage. In keeping with local regulations, we do not accept hazardous waste, including, but not limited to, gasoline, asbestos, medical waste, liquid paints, or flammable liquids. If you have specific questions about what can be hauled away in the roll off dumpsters, feel free to give our team a call and we would be happy to answer any questions you may have.

What types of materials are not accepted in our dumpsters?
  1. Tires
  2. Gasoline 
  3. Biohazard items 
  4. Batteries 
  5. Propane or Flammable Chemicals
  6. Toxic Materials 
  7. Herbicides and Pesticides
  8. Bleach and Cleaners 
  9. Oil/Regulated Material
  10. View our full list on our Dumpster page
How do I choose the right size dumpster for my project?
Selecting the appropriate dumpster size depends on the volume and type of waste you need to dispose of. Dumpster sizes are measured in cubic yards, and common options range from 8 to 20 cubic yards. A smaller project, like a garage cleanout, might need a 8 yard dumpster, while larger projects, such as a home renovation, might require a 15 or 20 yard dumpster. Give our team a call at (361)941-3041 to help accommodate your specific needs.
Can I place the dumpster on the street?

In many areas, placing a dumpster on the street requires a permit from the local authorities. It’s essential to check with your municipality or dumpster rental provider to understand any permitting requirements or restrictions.

Do I need to be present for the dumpster delivery and pickup?
Typically, you do not need to be present for delivery or pickup. However, it’s best to provide specific instructions to us about where to place the dumpster and any access considerations. Give our team a call at (361)941-3041 to help accommodate your specific needs.